В Сан-Франциско прошел заключительный концерт в рамках визита в США группы известных деятелей культуры под руководством ректора Национальной консерватории, народного артиста Сиявуша Керими, cообщает генконсульство Азербайджана в Лос-Анджелесе. Данное мероприятие было организованно со стороны Генерального консульства Азербайджана в Лос-Анджелесе и журнала "Azerbaijan International" при поддержке Азербайджанского культурного общества Америки. ногочисленные слушатели тепло приняли азербайджанскую музыку в виртуозном исполнении народных артистов Мансума Ибрагимова и Айгюн Байрамовой, а также заслуженных артистов Эльнура Ахмедова, Эльчина Хашимова и Кямрана Каримова. Предыдущие выступления в ходе калифорнийского турне, посвященного Дню Солидарности азербайджанцев мира, с большим успехом прошли в Сан Диего и в Лос-Анджелесе.
Leading Azerbaijani musicians led by the National Conservatory rector Maestro Siyavush Karimi concluded their California tour with a performance at San Francisco’s Cowell Theater. The group included distinguished vocals Mansum Ibrahimov and Aygun Bayramova as well as master instrumentalists Elnur Ahmadov, Elchin Hashimov and Kamran Karimov all of whom hold teaching positions at the National Conservatory. The event was organized jointly by the Consulate General of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles and the Azerbaijan International magazine with support from the San Francisco-based North Azerbaijan Cultural Society of America. The week-long tour dedicated to the Azerbaijani Solidarity Day included earlier successful performances in Los Angeles and San Diego.
Leading Azerbaijani musicians led by the National Conservatory rector Maestro Siyavush Karimi concluded their California tour with a performance at San Francisco’s Cowell Theater. The group included distinguished vocals Mansum Ibrahimov and Aygun Bayramova as well as master instrumentalists Elnur Ahmadov, Elchin Hashimov and Kamran Karimov all of whom hold teaching positions at the National Conservatory. The event was organized jointly by the Consulate General of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles and the Azerbaijan International magazine with support from the San Francisco-based North Azerbaijan Cultural Society of America. The week-long tour dedicated to the Azerbaijani Solidarity Day included earlier successful performances in Los Angeles and San Diego.